Chaya Rosen

We Resurface

We Resurface From the fiery plunge we resurface mud people see us we are the buried blessings. I’m on the side of the dead beneath the cracks and dirty crevices that have failed to cover our ascent. Let’s disturb the prophecy through this drought we climb ferocious flames mock your Read more…

Hana Alisa Omer


Mercy רַחֲמִים That’s you walking with your head forward bowed, with sunken chest to the back stuck, like a street dog carrying blows. Ever so often to the left glancing, As if there was something threatening. Alas, no, your eyes are empty of content, the present without a breeze is Read more…

Joseph Bau

The Parting

The Parting (written inside Plashow concentration camp 1944)   Though our life together was so short,  I must leave now.  Sad and forlorn, I am going  to a fate ordained by these desperate times,  by a road unmarked by any signs,  to a  mocking destiny,  all set to welcome me. Read more…

Frank Cohn

The Chosen People

The Chosen People It all got started in Germany. With hate the Nazis got tough. We Jews were placed in jeopardy. That should have been enough! At first the Jewish economy, with a legislative shove, was strangled without ceremony. That should have been enough! Out with our government leaders, With Read more…