Presenters and Links
Eva Ariela Lindberg and Lea Saslav, Co-Hosts
Engineering: Jonathan Font Moxo
Opening remarks:
Eva Ariela, Lindberg Peace Foundation ~
Prof. Stendig-Lindberg’s Holocaust Poems
Music by Yale Strom, Klezmer Violin
David Lenga, Holocaust Survivor shares ~ Stories from Lodz Ghetto and from his memoir book.
“The Compassion of a Deadly Enemy: Even in the Darkest Hours, a Ray of Hope”
Music by Yale Strom & Elizabeth Schwartz
Klezmer Violin and Contralto
Philip Raucher – Los Angeles Polish origin, featured at the LA Museum of the Holocaust
Music by Jonathan Font Moxo –Hlicha Lekesariya(Eli Eli)
Bruce Bierman ~ Dance with the Holocaust, Berkeley
Stand up to dictators! ~ poem read by Gilberto Melendez
Myra Goodman, author, “’Quest for Eternal Sunshine’—A Holocaust Survivors Journey for Darkness to Light,” co-authored posthumously with her father, Mendek Rubin.
The story of Ilana Kahat, shared by Eva Ariela
Donna Kanter – “The Presence of their Absence” Trailer
Second Generation Sharing (Q&A)
Fred Zaidman, the principal in Donna Kanter’s documentary Trailer
Yvette Nachmia – Poetry
Music by Jonathan Font Moxo – Prayer of Transformation
Music by Eric Alderfer, (Psalm 126) New York
Tes Kempner – Six Million Candles: New World Anthem
Piano Accompaniment and Arrangement by ShaRone Shmuel David Kushnir
Closing Circle and Prayer ~ Eva Lindberg