Miriam Felicia Lindberg

Miriam Felicia Lindberg

Miriam Felicia Lindberg (1957 -1975), was only eighteen at the time of her death. She wrote poems in Hebrew, Swedish, English and in French. She was known for her fight against nuclear weapons, her involvement in youth communities, rich creative gifts and intensive work, in spite of her youth, for the cause of Peace in the Middle East and for Israel’s right of existence; for a safe, peaceful world for all of humanity. We remember her not only for her creativity and activity, but for her great soul.

To view a slideshow presentation of the life of Miriam Felicia Lindberg, please email angellionpublication@gmail.com

The Art of Miriam Felicia Lindberg

Miriam Felicia Lindberg: Rorschach Test - 1962

Miriam Felicia Lindberg: Rorschach Test – 1962

Miriam Felicia Lindberg: Peace

Miriam Felicia Lindberg: Peace

Miriam Felicia Lindberg Memorial Peace Foundation

The Miriam Felicia Lindberg Memorial Peace Foundation encourages innovative poetic compositions and organizes international Poetry for Peace Competitions that grants annual awards to gifted poets. The Foundation: publishes the writings of Gustawa Stendig-Lindberg, Miriam Felicia Lindberg and talented poets. focuses on developing all-inclusive artistic and educational programs for Global Peace. memorializes survivors and the victims of the Holocaust through poetry, music and art.